Nowadays, people are more worried about how their face looks. It is not just that they want to look younger but they wish to look better. The present generation is much focused on clicking selfies, Instagram, Facebook posts and getting more likes. Your facial contour is something which defines the way your face looks.

Facial contouring has two meanings – 1. If you already have a good-looking face, you can improve the looks by using some products to make it more attractive. 2. If the contour has been lost due to some reasons like weight loss or aging changes, you may want to regain the previous look. So in both contexts, we use the same word facial contouring. The devices used for improving the facial contouring are non-invasive.

The traditional ways of facial contouring is by using botox and fillers which are used to reshape the face, reduce the size of the jaw, give a more sharp definition to the jaw line, improve the cheekbone appearance, take away appearance of hollowness of the face, etc. But botox and fillers come under the category of injectable treatments. Another treatment option for improving your facial looks is by using threads. Thread-lifts are performed to improve the texture of the skin as well as to give some tightening or pull in the face. Facial contouring machines are the most recent method of facial reshaping available in the market. The facial contouring machines are used to tighten the skin which has become slacken.

The skin is held in place with the help of ligaments. These ligaments are soft tissues which connect the skin to the underlying bone. As your age progresses, not only does the skin becomes loose but these ligaments also becomes loose and starts sagging. So to improve the overall contour, non-surgical facial contouring techniques can be used. These non-invasive procedures are based on ultrasound or radiofrequency. Some of the types of facial contouring are high intensity focus ultrasound, radiofrequency treatments which go by the names intragen or thermagen, etc. These treatments are not completely painless but can make you a bit uncomfortable. However, most of the patients are able to go through this procedure quite comfortably which takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Your skin specialist can offer topical anesthesia i.e a cream of anesthetic to be applied on the skin before the treatment is conducted. Non-surgical treatments when compared to injectable therapies, may take more time to show result. You may have to wait 1-3 months after treatment to observe a good improvement. So if you want immediate results, it is better to go for an invasive treatment. If you don’t wish to go for an invasive treatment and you are willing to wait for a few months, you can opt for a facial contouring technique.

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