The left-over scars and blemishes of your teen years are an unwelcome reminder of the painfully embarrassing skin condition to do with acne. They are usually mild in most people and gradually fade away but in some others, the scars can become a cause of concern, making the skin look less attractive and robbing you of your self-confidence.

In this highly competitive present-day environment, good looks are important and a face full of scars can be a cause for concern. Though it’s not a critical condition, these scars and blemishes need to be treated effectively. There are a lot of commercially available products in the market that promise to be the best in scar removal, but you better stick to trying out the home remedies option first. Home remedies are pretty effective too and you know exactly what’s going on your scarred skin. But you need to remember that it’s only the very mild blemishes that can be removed this way.

Some types of acne eruptions leave behind scars that need a dermatologists help, especially the disfiguring raised and pitted scars. Realistically speaking, don’t expect your scars to disappear with a single visit to your dermatologist, but rather, a series of visits will be needed and your doctor will choose among a variety of treatment options, depending on the type and extent of your scarring. If you happen to be living in Bangalore, the best treatment center for such problems is Dr Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology, which is in the news quite often for the amazing treatment results by the highly-experienced Dr. Rasya Dixit.

She will help you identify the type of scarring you have, whether they are rolling scars, boxcar scars or icepick scars, etc. Accordingly, you will be offered therapies that could include ablative or non-ablative laser treatments for smoothening out the skin around the scars; or your dermatologist could recommend punch excision which is more applicable for boxcar or icepick scarring where the area around the scar is cut out and the skin allowed to become of a uniform level. Temporary treatments would include filler injections into the indentation areas every six months or so. And if you are in need of mild treatment, then your doctor might suggest covering your raised scars with silicone; silicone gel is applied onto the scars every night for several weeks with the skin becoming more even with time.

For skins that have issues with hyper-pigmentation and other blemishes, your doctor might suggest skin-lightening creams or cortisone creams and if that doesn’t work, she might suggest exfoliation with glycolic acid or salicylic acid skin products. And if these too aren’t effective, then retinoid skin products are recommended which provide fast and effective results. Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are pretty effective in fading scars away too, but as they are a little harsh on the skin, time needs to be given for healing, in-between treatment sessions.

Caring for your skin meticulously and keeping it hydrated and clean with regular exfoliation, is however the key for keeping acne and acne-scarring under control.

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