Often a lot of patients ask questions related to red, dry or itchy patches on the skin. Doctors make a diagnosis based on a combination of symptoms, like the appearance, severity and the area of occurrence.

When there is a red, itchy, dry and scaly patch it would mean there is some kind of inflammation. Inflammation means that the body is reacting to something. Since it is very dry and not oozy or pus filled it would most likely be non-infectious. It could either be an allergy or an irritant contact dermatitis.

Since it is very difficult to give a correct diagnosis in the first attempt, it is advised that you see a dermatologist and get some tests done. The physician will examine you to check whether it is a fungal infection and would need a KOH scraping test for the same. The dermatologist may also give you a treatment based on the location affected such as for eczema.

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The information provided in Dr. Dixit's answer is for educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute medical advice. The information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultations with a qualified health professional who may be familiar with your individual medical needs.